The Home Depot Rebate

Published: August 7th, 2024
Updated: January 1st, 2025

Update Includes: Changes to rebate minimum spend – as of 1/1/25 the spend required is now $12.500 per half or $25k annually to earn a rebate.  Rebates are retroactive to dollar one  for the period.

As a Chapter of National REIA, Knox REIA offers access to many different member benefits including discounts, rebates, and special offers from national vendor partners for our local members.

One of the most sought-after programs is the 2% rebate on purchases from The Home Depot and

We’ve been made aware that many former members have not received their rebate, and this is because of the audit process described below.

How the rebate works


The rebate is issued every six months for purchases made in person and online during specific time periods.

January 1st – June 30th, rebates are issued 45-60 days after the close of the period, so expect a check or gift card to arrive sometime in mid-August through September.

July 1st – December 31st, rebates are issued 45-60 days after the close of the period, so expect a check or gift card to arrive sometime in late February through March.

Check vs Gift Card?

Rebates below $1,000 dollars in a given period will arrive via a gift card, and rebates above $1,000 will arrive via check – both sent via regular mail directly to the address on file in your Home Depot Pro XTRA account.

So, if you spend over $50,000 at The Home Depot and (combined) during a rebate earning period, you will receive a paper check.  

If you spend between $12,500 and $49,995 at The Home Depot and (combined) during a rebate earning period, you will receive a gift card.

1099 implications

Since this is a rebate on goods purchased, there is no 1099 or other reporting generated by The Home Depot.

Recipients can use the gift cards for purchases in-store or online, and checks can be deposited directly into the bank.

Review local and national laws for your area and consult with a qualified, licensed CPA on your specific situation as it relates to rebates being considered income and how to report it, if necessary, without a receiving a 1099.

Impact to other Home Depot programs

You cannot participate in multiple 2% rebate or special pricing programs offered by membership in multiple entities, only one will apply.

Your participation in the Knox REIA program does not impact any special offers or terms from your form of payment, such as the  2% prompt pay discount on commercial credit (PROX) accounts, fuel rewards, extended (60 or 90-day) terms, or Home Depot’s Outside Sales Managed Account Program, Bid Room or Bulk Pricing programs, sales, promotions, or other incentives.


There are several requirements that you must comply with in order to receive any rebate from The Home Depot for this program.

  1. You must be a current member in good standing with Knox REIA (and therefore, National REIA) at the time the rebate is issued (NOT JUST DURING THE EARNING PERIOD).
         -Failure to maintain your paid membership forfeits the rebate for the earning period in question.
  2. You must have a Home Depot ProXTRA account, and the information in your Pro XTRA / online account must match the information on the Knox REIA membership portal.
         -This includes the primary phone number, email address, and physical mailing or business address on file.
  3. You must add the Knox REIA membership code to your Home Depot ProXTRA account (provided after payment is received for your Knox REIA membership).
         -You start earning rebates ON THE DATE YOU COMPLETE THIS STEP, regardless of when you join Knox REIA or how long your membership has been in good standing.
  4. For purchases to qualify, the payment forms used (including checking accounts, credit cards, debit cards and Home Depot credit accounts must be registered under your account on
         -Purchases made with unregistered payment forms and Cash purchases – even if you enter your registered ProXTRA phone number during checkout – MAY NOT QUALIFY for the rebate.
         -Credit and Debit cards must be updated when card numbers change, or new cards are issued – expired or cancelled cards will not earn rebates past their expiration date if the numbers change.
         – You will lose your rebate for a payment form if you remove/delete expired or deactivated payment forms from ProXtra.
    -Rebates accrue per payment form on the date each payment form is registered in ProXTRA, and no rebate credit will be given for purchases made on that payment form prior to registration.
  5. You must spend a total over $12,500 pre-tax during a single earning period (including material returns) in order to qualify for a rebate, across all registered payment forms that qualify based on the date they were added.

How rebate totals are determined

During each six-month earning period, all purchases made on and in the stores on registered payment forms (see above) will be totaled up PRE-TAX (sales tax and online shipping charges do not count towards your spending totals).

Any returns or credits issued during the earning period, regardless of when the original transaction occurred, will count against your total earnings for the period.

It is recommended that you periodically inspect your ProXTRA account and review the purchase history & list of receipts for accuracy to maximize your rebate.

     -Occasionally software bugs will occur and receipts from various purchases – even when using registered payment forms and entering the ProXTRA phone number at checkout (both in-store and on – will not appear in your 25-month transaction log.  You can add missing receipts manually by following the directions on your ProXTRA account and using the information printed on the receipt.

     -Missing transactions added manually to your ProXTRA account that were made on payment forms registered at the time of purchase will count towards the rebate earnings for the period the transaction occurred, regardless of when you catch it and add it to your transaction history.  You will not earn rebates for prior periods that were missing from your ProXTRA account, and you will not earn rebates on transactions added where the payment form wasn’t entered at the time of purchase.

      -You will not earn rebates for payment forms registered on ProXTRA accounts owned by others, and Home Depot will not total dollars spent across multiple ProXTRA accounts you control.  It is recommended that you choose one primary ProXTRA account, move all payment forms into it, and discontinue use of all other accounts in order to maximize your rebate.

Rebate Qualification Audits

The Home Depot audits membership roles for all National REIA Chapter members across the United States before rebates are mailed out.

If your paid membership in your local National REIA Chapter lapsed, your rebate for that period is forfeited and cannot be recaptured.

Knox REIA has no control over this process and cannot influence how The Home Depot makes decisions on these policies.  

Don’t shoot the messenger.

It is our hope that this document will help you avoid disruptions in your rebate cycle and add maximum value to your membership with Knox REIA.

Advice on how to maximize your rebate earnings

  1. Keep your paid membership in good standing with Knox REIA.
  2. Have only ONE ProXTRA account.
  3. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date and matches between the Knox REIA membership portal and your ProXTRA account.
  4. Verify that the Knox REIA code is activated on your ProXTRA account.
  5. Register all your payment forms on the day you receive them from the bank and BEFORE you start using them in-store.
  6. Update your payment forms when new cards are issued or card numbers change.
  7. ALWAYS use your ProXTRA phone number at checkout to both earn your discounts and your rebates, even when using registered payment forms.
  8. Spend over $12,500 pre-tax during each earning period.
  9. Periodically check your ProXTRA transaction history for missing receipts and add missing receipts manually before the end of the rebate earning period.


Knox REIA has no access to your ProXTRA or account, and cannot check your earning totals or verify your account is set up properly.

Due to PCI Compliance requirements and Privacy Laws, Knox REIA cannot assist you in creating or maintaining your information in Home Depot’s systems.

As far as we are aware as of August 1st, 2024, associates at Home Depot Pro Desks no longer have access to modify the information in these systems on your behalf.

For issues with your or ProXTRA account, please contact the dedicated Home Depot ProXTRA Customer Care number at 866-333-3551.

For questions about your Knox REIA and National REIA membership, please log into the membership portal using the link provided on, email us at, or call us at (865)314-REIA (7342).

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